Want to claim your @arbitrum $ARB tokens. We have a solution for you. We've built a $ARB claim cube on Furucombo.
23 Mar 2023, 13:15
Want to claim your @arbitrum $ARB tokens??
We have a solution for you. We've built a $ARB claim cube on Furucombo!! 🤗
Same news in other sources
123 Mar 2023, 13:19
RT @Blazartrading: You can claim your @arbitrum $ARB airdrop directly from @furucombo! Even when the interface is down on the official site…
RT @Blazartrading: You can claim your @arbitrum $ARB airdrop directly from @furucombo.
RT @Blazartrading: You can claim your @arbitrum $ARB airdrop directly from @furucombo! Even when the interface is down on the official site…